fredag 31. januar 2014

~Friday night~

I usually spend my late nights drawing. This week has been really busy, that's why I've been slow on the blogging. But, I bought a new camera, and tomorrow I'm visiting my mother, so I'll try to take some nice winter pictures.

torsdag 2. januar 2014

~The story behind "Jenny from the forest"~

Many of you might think I am a student, because of my age. (I am 19). But because I was uncertain about what I wanted with my life, I decided to take my time, and work instead, to save up some money, while I was figuring out what to do.

My boss, at my old job, used to say "Jenny from the block", when he gave everyone their tasks for the week. I found this rather amusing. And when I decided to start blogging again, I did not have a name for it. I had no clue what to call my blog. Untill I remembered my boss, and his funny way of saying "Jenny from the block". 

I am an outdoors type. I love being surrounded by nature, and all it has to offer. In nature, I find comfort, safety and a feeling of serenity. I feel calmed. I often stress, and worry about a lot of things. I tend to take problems a bit harder than the average human, I believe. Sometimes my feelings get the best of me, and I can not always ease my troubled mind. But I find strenght in nature, Nature always find the way.

I truly believe that everything on this earth is connected in some way. And I feel closer to my true self when surrounding myself with the wilderness and beauty of our planet. And this is why I am Jenny from the forest. Because the forest, nature, is where we all belong, and where we came from, and I wanted to honor that bond.

~Who am I?~

My name is Jenny. I live in Norway. People may already know me through tumblr, deviantart or instagram. Earlier I blogged under the nick "lagnad", which means destiny. I wrote in norwegian, but now I am reaching out to the rest of the world as well.  

I think of myself as complicated. Not special in any way, but I often think to much, and often confuse myself. I take ages to make a choice when something comes up. I am driven by my emotions. I would not call myself fragile, but I tend to take things to heart.

My passion in life is anything visual. I am an artist, and I live for art. I draw, but is also very fond of books, photography, sculptures and other kinds of beauty. Sometimes I believe I see the world a tiny bit different than others, and that has been the hard part of being me. I do not always understand other people, and others do not always understand me. 

This is why I am a blogger. I want to show people my view of the world, from big things, to my everyday life. This blog will contain everything, from my deepest feelings, to things as simple as my love for a nice cup of coffee.  And my art. Loads of it. 

So take my hand, and join me in my world. 
