torsdag 2. januar 2014

~The story behind "Jenny from the forest"~

Many of you might think I am a student, because of my age. (I am 19). But because I was uncertain about what I wanted with my life, I decided to take my time, and work instead, to save up some money, while I was figuring out what to do.

My boss, at my old job, used to say "Jenny from the block", when he gave everyone their tasks for the week. I found this rather amusing. And when I decided to start blogging again, I did not have a name for it. I had no clue what to call my blog. Untill I remembered my boss, and his funny way of saying "Jenny from the block". 

I am an outdoors type. I love being surrounded by nature, and all it has to offer. In nature, I find comfort, safety and a feeling of serenity. I feel calmed. I often stress, and worry about a lot of things. I tend to take problems a bit harder than the average human, I believe. Sometimes my feelings get the best of me, and I can not always ease my troubled mind. But I find strenght in nature, Nature always find the way.

I truly believe that everything on this earth is connected in some way. And I feel closer to my true self when surrounding myself with the wilderness and beauty of our planet. And this is why I am Jenny from the forest. Because the forest, nature, is where we all belong, and where we came from, and I wanted to honor that bond.

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